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Mechanism of Labour: Normal to Abnormal


This course has been made for undergraduate and postgraduate MBBS students. Students from nursing, midwifery and AYUSH can also take the advantage of this comprehensive course on Labour which contain all the thing pertaining to dummy pelvis. It has 17 lectures which students can rewind and visualize as per their convenience.

Maternal pelvis and fetal skull: Pelvic Inlet, cavity and outlet diameters have been covered with demonstration of all angles and axis and there usefulness.

Types of Pelvis: There are 4 basic types of pelvis. That needs to be identified whenever the patient goes into labour. This has been discussed in this lecture in an easy language.

Mechanism of normal labour: Normal labour has been discussed in detail so that one can understand the concept of labour in other presentation as well.

Mechanism of labour in breech presentation: Each and everything regarding breech presentation with demonstration of all procedures on dummies have been done in this lecture.

Mechanism of labour in face presentation: Mechanism of labour in face presentation have been discussed in detail.

Mechanism of labour in occipito-posterior presentation: Occipito-posterior position is an important position which need to be recognized and managed appropriately.

Cord Prolapse: In this Video lecture, I have discussed the identification and  management of cord prolapse in detail.

Compound presentation: Diagnosis of compound presentation is very important to prevent complications in the late stages of labour. This has been discussed in detail in this lecture.

Transverse Lie: Management of transverse lie and how to deliver the baby in this condition during cesarean has been discussed in detail.

Brow Presentation: All the abnormal fetal positions need to be identified at right time. Here the brow presentation has been discussed in detail.

Operative Vaginal delivery Part 1: Operative obstetrics is an important component of postgraduate training. I have divided this topic into 5 lectures. In the current lecture, I have discussed the history regarding the invention of the forceps. I am sure, you all will enjoy.

Operative Vaginal delivery Part 2: In this lecture, complete history regarding the invention of the Vacuum delivery system have been discussed.

Operative Vaginal delivery Part 3: In this lecture RCOG and ACOG guidelines 2020 have been discussed in detail.

Operative Vaginal delivery Part 4: Vacuum delivery: In this lecture intricacies of vacuum delivery along with its video demonstration on patient has been shown.

Operative Vaginal delivery Part 5: Forceps Delivery 1: In this lecture intricacies of forceps delivery had been discussed in details.

Operative Vaginal delivery Part 6: Forceps Delivery 2: In this lecture intricacies of forceps delivery have been discussed on dummy as well as on patient.

Shoulder dystocia: An obstetric emergency which need to be managed within 4 min. All the procedures related with have been discussed in detail.

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